The Alberta way of Life
In Alberta there are 4 producer organizations in the poultry industry: Alberta Chicken (Broilers) Producers; Alberta Turkey Producers; Alberta Egg Producers and Alberta Hatching Egg Producers.
All sectors are working under supply-management. The quota system stabilizes the poultry market place by matching supply with predicted demand for poultry products. Payments to producers vary on the basis of production cost. Price paid to producers is negotiated between producer boards and the processors.
Alberta’s chicken industry has been growing at approx. 5%/year. The industry is very healthy and there’s a strong grass-roots dedication to the future of the industry as is evidenced by the commitment of all feather boards to research, strategic planning and to consumer satisfaction with their products.
More than 170 Alberta Egg farmers are taking pride in providing Albertan's with fresh local eggs.
Many of the provinces egg farmers are from families or Hutterite Colonies who have farmed for generations. For egg producers, farming is a way of life and is in their blood, egg farming is their life and their livelihood. Alberta's egg farmers are committed to providing the highest quality care possible to their hens and offering to the world class standards for farm animal care and food safety program and implementing sustainable farming practices.
Alberta's total hens allotment 2013=2.018047.
Quota price is $ per February 1/2017
Information from Egg Farmers of Alberta
See Alberta Egg Farmers link for further information.
2015 was a strong year for growth in the Canadian Chicken industry. The competativeness of chicken relative to other protein is translating into demand at retail and food service and supporting continued growth for the domestic market. Alberta Total Chicken Production in 2015 was estimated to be 137.8 million live kg, an increase of 7.3% over 2014 and 6.8% over the 5 year average (2011-2015).
There are 244 registered producers in Alberta per January 1st, 2017. Registered producers are producers that either own or lease in quota and meet the National Farm Food Safety Program and Animal Care Program.
Producers and processors have worked diligently this year to improve the utilization performance which is close to 100% as a province. Forecast for November 2016 was a 5.5% growth for Alberta. Market conditions are favorable and indicative of continued growth in demand for Canadian Chickens industry and producers can be commended for demonstrating leadership in animal care, food safety, environmental stewardship and rural development.
See Alberta Chicken Producer for more information.
Quota price to be $190/unit February 1/2017.
Hatching Egg Industry
Broiler hatching eggs are fertilized eggs that are produced as the result of a hen and rooster mating. Farmers ship their eggs to a hatchery where baby chicks hatch after the eggs are incubated for 21 days. Once hatched, the chicks are transported to a chicken growers farm where they are grown and shifted to a processor. After being processed, chicken meat is supplied to retail stores and restaurants for human consumption. A broiler hatching egg is never sold in retail stores and is not meant for human consumption. 100% of all registered hatching egg farms are family owned and operated. There are cureently 34 registered producers in Alberta. All birds are "free runs" (not caged) in large, clean barns. Stocking density policies established by AHEP requires that producers provide a minimum of 1.8 sq feet per hen. All hatching egg productions facilities in Alberta are certified lender AHEP's "on farm food safety program".
From: Alberta Hatching Egg Producers
For further Information see the Alberta Hatching Egg producers link.
Turkey Chicks | Poultry Broiler Barn | Turkey Barn |
Poultry Layer Barn | Chicken Barn | |
Broiler Farm |
Turkey Industry
Alberta Turkey Producers represent 46 turkey farms in Alberta which together produced more than 19 million leg's of turkey meat in 2014. This turkey production is geared toward Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays with increased emphasis on further processed products for year round consumption.
Turkey quotas translate to one leg per year of live turkey quota is required for any productions greater than 300 birds. Farmers wishing to start a turkey operation have the option of applying for a quota and waiting or buying a farm with quota . Quota can be transferred without facilities. Leasing of quota is also possible which facilitates the transfer of quota. There are three main classes of turkey production: broilers, heavy toms, and heavy hens but there are some other sub-classes.
There are: Broiler Turkeys (weighing up to 6.2 kg)
Light Hen Turkeys ( weighing from to 6.2-8.5 kg)
Jumbo Hen Turkeys (weighing from 10.8-12.8kg)
Light Tom Turkeys ( weighing from 10.8-13.3kg)
Heavy Tom Turkeys (weighing more than 13.3 kg)
Poults are sold to a turkey farm and quickly transported within 24 hr of being removed from their incubator. Turkeys are raised in special climate controlled barns that protect the birds from hard weather, disease and predators.
Agriculture and agrifood Canada's recommended Code of Practice for the care and handling of Poultry recommends 45-65 kg/m2 density so they do not suffer from overcrowding (depending on size). Alberta turkey producers are committed to high production standards which includes quality animal care and strict bio-security restrictions.
From farm gate to your plate growers work year round to raise, market and promote a safe and quality product.
Quota price + or - $ 10/kg in 2017
Utilization + or - $ 100% in 2016/17
For further information click on the click to Alberta Turkeys.